Monday, March 9, 2009


when the need and the trying and hotcakes and the knotted chicken wire go away, what is left?

still life with electrical cord (2009)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

as good as Japan (2009)

oh, feta.  i am surprised by your warmth and how well you complement sweet, roasted squash despite your acrid signs of decomposition. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

in or or out (2008)

number one

It was the rancid yogurt and, thereafter, the prematurely empty glass bottle, along with the limp spinach and carrot shavings on the edge of the knife, the knife that I may never see again soon in the future, that caused this blog.  

Soon, the walls will be painted warm colors and there will be enough space to create space.   But for now, I mourn the knife and observe the empty bottle.  


About Me

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Yoga practitioner/teacher, scientific communications professional, chemist, and pretend artist-writer.